Test your brain with "Five Clues One Word" is the best Puzzles Spielif You like Word Challenges and Puzzles Game? Test your brain with "Free Where
Testen Sie Ihr Gehirn mit "fünf Clues One Word" ist die beste Puzzles Spiel
If you like word challenges and puzzles game ?
Test your brain with "Free Word Game" is the best brain teasing and mind churning ,
So Lets play to discover and enjoy!
The gameplay is simple, Solve the words from clues given and win!
five Clues One Word is simple and very addictive. Simply you must guess the words,
Words can be actor ,movies, actor, Places, Monuments ,Events ............!
If you do not recognize the word You can share with your friends on Facebook or get help
************************* How to use :*************************
1) open "Free Word Game"
2 ) Solve the words from 5 clues given
3) If you do not recognize the word You can share with your friends on Facebook or get help
4) Enjoy
************************* FEATURES *************************
✓ Simple and Easy!
✓ + 100 levels !
✓ 100% free
✓ Tablet and phone support
✓ Great exercise for the brain
✓ many hours of fun gameplay
✓ no registration, no complicated rules.
thanks for downloading :)
******************************************* ENJOY *******************************************